Catania Travel Information


  • The city is small and does not require detailed planning
  • For datytrip to Mt. Etna, you need to hire private tour or elaborate trasport plan.


  • Mostly B&B and not many modern hotels. 
  • If comfort is priority, book a hotel. Some of the B&B's need maintenance.

Public Transportation

  • Major attractions are reachable on foot.
  • from the airport
    • Alibus : €4 
    • Uber : €23 20m

from the airport

The Uber was expensive than I expected, €17 from the research, we changted the plan to take the Alibus.

back to Catania (2024. 9)


  1. Hey old man, sorry for using this space to check in. I know how much you like going to Jeju so after reading the news about the plane I was freaking out a bit much. Is Michelle okay?

    1. Sure she's safe in Vung Tau with me now. It was such a tragedy though. Thank you for your concern.


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