(Luqa) La Valette Club ★★★★★

  • Malta International Airport
    • La Valette Club ★★★★★ : 24h
      • My favorite lounge. Loved the outdoor area despite nose and flies. Kindest Staff. Limited hot food.


2024-09-12 THU

The best airport lounge ever.

The last sunrise in Malta.

I'm gonna miss this till the nex time.

Buses to the aiport. We took TD2. 

Flight to Catania, On Time my ass.

La Valette Club lounge. It is said that the aiport has a photo zone called 'viewing gallery', but we justed wanted to take a rest and didn't bother to wander around.

It was the only lounge I could access with Priority Pass or The Lounge membership. Probably just the only one in the airport. The staff at the reception was super kind, probably the kindest one I've ever met in all the airport lounges.

Quite spacious indoor tables.

However, we still preferred this area even though it was a little noisy with airplanes and we had to keep fighing against flies.

No hot food but various selections of snacks. 

Open bar.

Since I just had breakfast at the hotel.

I dind't know that Netflix ad-supported plan is available only in some regions, so added 1 month temporary subscriptions of Disney+, to my travel to-do list.

I think I found one of my favorite liquors here.

This is new.

End of travel to Malta. Catania and Napoli will be continued.

The places I've missed:


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