(Paceville) Forty Fishes ★★★★

174 Triq Ross, Saint STJ 3246, Malta 

  • A hidden gem in Paceville that serves various seafood and drinks with reasonable prices.

2024-09-10 TUE

She found this place herself!

She must have wanted fish so bad that she searched for one with smartphone. Probably this popped up in the result because it has 'fish' in its name, but turned out to be a very good choice. The small restaurant is located in a small street in Paceville, where we've been only once for this lunch.

So it is a fish restaurant.

I usually go for the restaurnat's specialty but she seemed to make her mind already. 

Bottega Proseco Glass 5
Medina Chardonnay Glass 5

Good collection of wines with reasonable price.

Aljotta 10
White fish, calamari, mussels, carrot, garlic, onion & tomato

The soup was thick and we both loved it. Like I always say, soup never fails.

Platter Mix 25
Red Local Prawn, Scampi, Oyster and one of our Tar Tars

This platter seemed a little overpriced, but ok only if she's happy.

Can I just pick them and put in our plates?

Marinated Anchoives 8
Marinated Anchovies, vinegar and olive oil

I needed more and ordered anchovies and it was a good call.

Limoncello 3

I was out of my glass and wanted to try something else, so I treid limoncell, which is Italian lemon flavored hard liquor. It was strong but good with food, so I tried a few more times in Italy.

Proof of satisfaction.

Dessert 6 6

We usually don't eat dessert to save our stomach for next meal, but just made it exception this time to make lunch perfect.

We need this in Korea.

back to Malta (2024.9)


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

[을지로3가] 곤지암할매소머리국밥 을지로3가점 ★★★

[양재시민의숲] 박실장 떡볶이 ★★

(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★