(Valletta) The Lounge ★★★★★

VGX5+XV8 pier, Valletta to Sliema, Valletta, Malta

  • Nice outdoor bar with good vibe. You can socialize other tourists or privately talk to your company. 

2024-09-07 SAT

Enjoying sunset in an outdoor bar.

It was almost sunset, so we took a walk along the western coast of Valletta. 

We were not hungry so looked for a bar or a cafe to sit and chill. 

People seemded to prefer socializing in the center but you can still sit on these tables for privacy. 

Various selection of drinks. 

What a place. We still feel like being in a tourist area but a few steps back from the crowd. 

That must be the ferry connecting to Sliema. 

Getting dark. 

It gives you different vibe at night. 

back to Malta (2024.9)


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(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★