(New Orleans) Musee Conti Wax Museum

917 Conti St, New Orleans, LA 70112

2012-09-28 FRI

  • 20:10~20:30 (French Market > Wax Museum : walk 20m
  • 21:00~01:00
    • Smoking Time Jazz Club
    • Jack n Jill  Prelims & Finals
    • * registration
  • Wax Museum > Old US Mint Jazz : walk 19m
  • 1:30~4:00 NOLA Girl Jam & Three Muses Present: A Celebration of the Female Voice 
  • Old US Mint Jazz > Holiday Inn : walk 20m

The Friday party was held at the was museum. I didn't know what "wax" means back then, so I wondered what this museum is about, because we call the wooden floor polisher "wax" but nothing else in Korea. We arrived early and looked around the place.

"Please hold my hand."

Dancing people.

Smoking Time Jazz Band!

Jack * Jill prelim.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

(학동) 통영다찌 ★★★★

(세화) 청파식당횟집 ★★★★★

[양재시민의숲] 박실장 떡볶이 ★★