[Herrang] Herrang Dance Camp 2013 - Friday: Zombie night

2013-07-19 FRI

Michelle had been staying in the volunteer accommodation, so I waited in there while she was getting ready to move out to our private accommodation. It was my early days for traveling abroad, so I had culture shock when people change in open space.

Public accommodation을 포함해서 처음 가 본 공동숙소. 설마 눈 앞에서 속옷까지 갈아입을 줄 몰랐다. 다른 사람들이 당황하지 않도록 나도 바지 갈아입었다.

A table in front of the ice cream parlor, where I spent much time.

1 party packet was 200 SEK, and party pass for 7 nights was 1300 SEK. Bar Bedlam is the one on the first floor where dancers take inter-dance breaks drinking and eating. Beer and orange soda was 15, and rotten pie was 55.

The party went on until the last couple leaves the floor AM 5:18, which turned out to be early compared to the following parties.

back to Herrang (2013)


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